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Benefits of Dance

Physical Health


  • Dancing, a low-impact aerobic activity, improves your cardiovascular system.

  • Your muscles get more tone as you use all of your major muscle group, burning calories in the process

  • You gain greater flexibility, agility, strength, & balance while encouraging good posture & body alignment.


Mental Health


  • Dancing helps spur creativity, motivation & overall energy.

  • Focusing on dance helps increase relaxation & relieves stress from our typically hectic days.

  • Researchers have found that ballroom dancing improves mental acuity throughout a dancer’s life & can even help prevent Alzheimer’s disease in senior citizens.


Social Benefits


  • Meet new people & friends who share your same interests.

  • Spend your evenings on the dance floor instead of in front of the TV.

  • Our social parties @ showcases give you the opportunity to interact with many of your friends.


Expression & Confidence

  • Discover a new passion and joy in your life at any age

  • Confidence learned on the dance floor will translate to every other aspect of your life.

  • Surround yourself with creative, energetic people who make learning very rewarding.

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